The chiropractor that knows how to become the expert witness gets all the attorney referrals!
We offer chiropractors training on how to give our 37 category deposition or trial testimony formula!
Although the majority of personal injury cases do not go to a trial the chiropractor must know how to be an effective communicator in a deposition or trial. Chiropractor that know how to deliver the patients factual information effectively gives a valuable service to the patients and attorneys. And ultimately every personal injury case may end up in court.
The goal of the doctor in a deposition or trial testimony is to tell the facts of the injured patients case in a logical and sequential manor. Our 25 category trial testimony formula does just that. It take patients documentation and delivers it in a step by step progression that makes it easy to understand and connect the dots the case. A trial testimony is very much like telling an interesting story and easy to understand.
There are two major factors to giving a winning trial testimony. First is to have a well documented case. Second is to know how to deliver the documentation in an easy and orderly to comprehend fashion. Good documentation delivered bad gets bad results. Bad documentation delivered good gets better results. The chiropractors goal is to give good documentation and deliver it in a good manor. That's what get the potential best results.
Having good documentation is one thing, knowing how to deliver it is something totally different. We train our clients to give the trial deposition in a 25 category formula. It are these 25 categories that systematically connect all the facts of the case in a easy to understand manor.
Attorney often ask our clients to be the expert witnesses in their personal injury cases. Why? Because they need doctors that know how to deliver the patients information in a easy to understand logical and sequential manor. That is exactly what our 25 category's of a trial testimony does. It takes the patients information and makes it easy to understand and connects all the dots of the case.
The chiropractor that knows how to give a good deposition or trial testimony will be in demand for personal injury attorney referrals.
The best depositions or trial testimony’s use our 25 category formula to tell the patient’s story in a logical and sequential manor.
The best case trial scenario is when the chiropractor gives good documentation presented in a easy to understand manor.
Bad delivery of good documentation can ruin a good case. Good delivery of bad documentation will help the case.
Chiropractor must teach their attorneys the 25 trial category formula. Why? Because they are not medical providers and will not know the details of the case, how they relate or how they connect. A will trained chiropractor will!
Knowing how to give a good deposition or trial testimony is about how to be a good communicator.