Personal Injury Chiropractor Who Increased PI Referrals $480K Offers Tips

Personal Injury Chiropractor Who Increased PI Referrals $480K Offers Tips

Chiropractic Personal Injury Marketing, Dr. Paul Hollern


Dr. Dave is a client of mine who in 12 months increased his personal injury attorney referrals over 100 and his income over $480K.

I asked Dr. Dave what advice he would have for chiropractors considering learning personal injury or joining Chiropractic Personal Injury Marketing as a client.

In this video one of my Chiropractic Personal Injury Marketing clients who increased his office revenue over $480K in the last 12 offers some personal tips.

I have found often times it is good to hear from a peer to help create a sense of reality.

And so Dr. Dave does share some specific tips he learned which helped him increase his business annual revenues over $480K in less than 12 months.

For more information on how we can do the same for you just give us a call. 813-480-1693.


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